One to One Online Hypnotherapy

Fix Your Phobia

Price: £200 for Four Sessions

You don’t need to live with your phobias.

If you have a ‘simple’ phobia, we can fix this in as few as four sessions.

A simple phobia is one whereby you can generally live your life because you can easily avoid whatever it is that affects you. For example, a fear of flying or going to the dentist will likely be a simple phobia as you probably aren’t going to have to do those things every day. But something like a fear of open spaces will likely have a much more restrictive effect on your life, so would be considered a ‘complex’ phobia requiring more sessions (obviously I can help you with this too).

So, if you have something that you need to do, or simply something that is making you miserable and effecting your enjoyment of life, get in touch for a chat about how I can help you.

Adam Fraser - Succour Hypnotherapy

Message me to ask how to get started
