
Working together, we can make you better.

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, like a worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone feels anxious from time to time and it usually passes once the situation is over.

But, can I ask, have you ever felt:

  • your heart race because of your anxious thoughts?
  • hot or sweaty because you’re worried?
  • a little shaky?
  • short of breath even without exerting yourself?

Anxiety can also cause changes in your behaviour, such as becoming overly careful or avoiding things that trigger your anxiety.

When anxiety becomes a problem, your worries can be out of proportion with relatively harmless situations. And it can feel really intense or overwhelming, and ultimately it will start to interfere with our everyday life and relationships.

I’ve written a short blog post that you can read here about a breathing technique that may help you in the short term when anxiety attacks.

Now can I ask you another question: Do you want to stop worrying so much? Because I can help you with that.

So, what’s the plan?

Step One

Get in touch to book a FREE, no-obligation 15 minute Discovery Call. And if you’re interested, we can book you in for your Initial Consultation.

Step Two

At your Initial Consultation we’ll discuss how we’re going to help you, and what solution you’re looking to achieve. Then, we’ll have a chat about your brain, and use a little neuroscience to explain why it is you feel the way you do, and what it is we can do, together, to help.

Step Three 

Let the therapy commence! This is the step where we’ll start to perform the neurosurgery…just without the scalpel. Working as your guide, I’ll help you to rewire your brain to transform your thoughts and feelings. And, maybe, even your life.

If you think that you maybe would like us to work together, follow this link to find out a little more.

You can check out my prices here, and I offer several package deals on one-to-one sessions with discounts that may suit you.